Thursday, July 18, 2013

Perfect Timing

There have been a few times Kyle and I have questioned when the right time to start adopting would be--we even went through training for a domestic adoption before Charlotte was born but ended up not being able to finish everything due to circumstances way beyond our control. This time when we discussed it we knew that it was the perfect time and we decided to go ahead and start telling people. We didn't make a big deal out of announcing it to our parents, just kind of slipped it into conversation--but it ended up not being our news that was so exciting for me to share, but what my parents said....
my brother and sister-in-law are adopting too!! 

They were still researching countries and agencies and home studies at that time, but weren't announcing anything yet because they hadn't made any final decisions. In fact, this is kind of the big announcement--I was given permission to post their news to the "world." :) I can't tell you how excited I was to hear that we would be sharing this awesome experience with them. I don't really have many people (2? 3?) in my life who have adopted, or have been touched by adoption in a personal way, or are even planning on adopting sometime in their life, so to know that my awesome, sweet (big) little brother and his amazing, beautiful wife will be going through all this--the paper work, training, waiting, fundraising, decisions, more paper work, finding grants, more waiting, traveling, the emotional experiences after bringing our children home--at the same time as we are is more than I ever even thought to pray for. I'm excited to be an aunt, and thrilled that it's going to be through adoption. It's moving to think that our kids will grow up together. I sometimes wonder how hard it is for a child who has been adopted--what questions they have, how comfortable they feel about talking about their fears and anxieties. I know that it's different for each child, and different at each stage of their lives, but how amazing will it be that these future cousins will always have a family member who can truly understand what they're feeling no matter what doubts or questions they have. It's a beautiful picture of family, and how much more perfect timing can you get than that?

I'm so excited to share this time with Jeremy and Joni! They will also be at our garage sale with baked goods to sell. If you would like to donate any baked goods I know they would be soooo very grateful. If you can't donate at least come and try some of Joni's awesome baking--really, it's always delicious! Please let me know through email or comment if you can donate towards the garage sale and/or bake sale!

                                       Aren't they cute?! They're going to be a great mommy and daddy!

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